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About Me

I'm a young photographer from Ottawa (although born in Edmonton) with a passion for taking pictures. I am constantly experimenting with new ideas and trying to grow in my art. I love new experiences which is why you can find me signing up for pretty well anything I can (band, drama, marine biology, computer science, etc.).

You can usually find me wearing vertically striped shirts, sneakers and listening to a Beach Boys album or some 80's rock. That or lo-fi french music. I know, weird.

I'm always looking for new things to shoot or something else to learn. Sometimes both at the same time. That's usually my take on most things. Now that you've met me, I can't wait to meet you! Ready for some great photos and an even better experience? Contact me and lets do it!

A headshot of freelance photographer, Matteo Golin, owner of Golin Photos
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